a-Practice Christ’s presence as our core curriculum for life and mission through the daily disciplines of prayer, study, and discipleship in community
b-Maximize our enrollment capacity with an effective recruitment/marketing plan through insightful consultation, strong staff development, interoffice coordination, expansion of the CMC network, emphasis on the call of God experience, and increased outreach in our priority student markets while optimizing our mission message with Initial Accreditation status and Title IV federal grant funding to best draw students from our primary target area of San Antonio and beyond
c-Strengthen and diversify income streams with an expanded business model that includes CMC land sales, Master Plan campus and retail development, reserve fund capacities, Initial Accreditation Status with Title IV federal grant funding, major donors, alumni scholarships, fund raising, and increased enrollment income to support the Campus Revitalization Plan which include life safety and ADA compliance regulations
d-Innovate and integrate new components of the Internship Program to further enhance student experiences in the Co-Curricular Program
e-Support the Library with qualified personnel through continued employment of both a part-time MSLS degreed Librarian and the continued training/education of a full-time Library Technician
f-Explore the feasibility of offering new majors and programs and expanding to new extension sites